Celebrating World IP Day 2013

Since 16 years Marijan Jordan and Gerhard Muthenthaler, the founders of Erfinderhaus and erfinderladen, deal with problems that inventors face in marketing their inventions. Throughout their long careers as invention advisers and marketers, they have noticed that “for protection there are always places to go for help and consultation, but there are no inexpensive ways for market commercialization.”

To solve this problem they created a site that is available for inventors and combines helpful tools to promote inventions: inpama.com! How producers, license holders and distributors can be reached and how inventors can bring their idea successfully to market has been answered in a step-by-step guide.
As Jordan, Muthenthaler and their team know about the problems inventors face and how important it is to protect intellectual property, they decided to support the World IP Day 2013 to:
• raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property
• connect you with other organizations and people in the invention field
• provide useful tips
• give you information about the World IP Day
• publish interesting interviews with people who deal with inventions every day
• help inventors to bring their ideas and IP successfully to market

 World IP Day 2013

World IP Day will also be celebrated with an open house day at the company´s inventor stores Erfinderhaus in Berlin, Germany (Gleimstraße 31, D-10437 Berlin) and erfinderladen in Salzburg, Austria (Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54, A-5020 Salzburg) on Friday April 26th from 10 am to 5 pm.

If you are interested just email to info@world-ip-day.com and schedule an appointment with one of the company´s professional invention consultants. You can talk about property rights, marketing tools or any other invention issues.

For further information please also visit the website www.world-ip-day.com

About the world IP Day
The event was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to “raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trademarks and designs impact on daily life” and “to celebrate creativity, and the contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of societies across the globe”. This year´s motto is “Creativity: the next generation”. Either with an event or an activity, organizations from all over the world will participate.
Check out the Event activities on the world events map 2013.

Vorbeikommen lohnt sich!

Seit 2001 gibt es den Welttag des geistigen Eigentums. In diesem Jahr unterstützt die Erfinderhaus Patentvermarktungs GmbH mit Ihren Standorten in Berlin und Salzburg den World IP Tag, der morgen gefeiert wird, mit einem Tag der offenen Tür!

Kommt doch einfach morgen von 10 bis 17 Uhr im Erfinderladen in der Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54 in Salzburg oder im Erfinderhaus in der Gleimstraße 31 in Berlin vorbei und redet mit einem unserer Erfinderberater über Schutzrechte, Marketingmöglichkeiten und andere interessante Themen rund ums Erfinden!

Mit einer Email an info@world-ip-day.com könnt ihr euch im Vorfeld einen Termin sichern! Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch!