Celebrating World IP Day 2013

Since 16 years Marijan Jordan and Gerhard Muthenthaler, the founders of Erfinderhaus and erfinderladen, deal with problems that inventors face in marketing their inventions. Throughout their long careers as invention advisers and marketers, they have noticed that “for protection there are always places to go for help and consultation, but there are no inexpensive ways for market commercialization.”

To solve this problem they created a site that is available for inventors and combines helpful tools to promote inventions: inpama.com! How producers, license holders and distributors can be reached and how inventors can bring their idea successfully to market has been answered in a step-by-step guide.
As Jordan, Muthenthaler and their team know about the problems inventors face and how important it is to protect intellectual property, they decided to support the World IP Day 2013 to:
• raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property
• connect you with other organizations and people in the invention field
• provide useful tips
• give you information about the World IP Day
• publish interesting interviews with people who deal with inventions every day
• help inventors to bring their ideas and IP successfully to market

 World IP Day 2013

World IP Day will also be celebrated with an open house day at the company´s inventor stores Erfinderhaus in Berlin, Germany (Gleimstraße 31, D-10437 Berlin) and erfinderladen in Salzburg, Austria (Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54, A-5020 Salzburg) on Friday April 26th from 10 am to 5 pm.

If you are interested just email to info@world-ip-day.com and schedule an appointment with one of the company´s professional invention consultants. You can talk about property rights, marketing tools or any other invention issues.

For further information please also visit the website www.world-ip-day.com

About the world IP Day
The event was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to “raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trademarks and designs impact on daily life” and “to celebrate creativity, and the contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of societies across the globe”. This year´s motto is “Creativity: the next generation”. Either with an event or an activity, organizations from all over the world will participate.
Check out the Event activities on the world events map 2013.

World IP Day events in Austria 2013

Here you find World IP Day events 2013 in Austria:

In jeden von uns steckt ein Erfinder! Anlässlich des World Intellectual Property Tages 2012 am Freitag, dem 26. April, ermöglicht es die Erfinderhaus Patentvermarktungs GmbH allen kreativen Köpfen im Salzburger erfinderlden (Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54, A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich) vorbeizuschauen und mit professionellen Erfinderberatern zu sprechen. Sei es über Erfindungen, Schutzrechte oder Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten, der Tag der offenen Tür kann für alle Anliegen rund ums Thema Erfinden genutzt werden.

 World IP Day 2013

Und so funktioniert´s: Einfach ein Mail an info@world-ip-day.com und zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr einen Termin ausmachen.
Doch damit nicht genug! Nachdem die Gründer der Unternehmensgruppe, Marijan Jordan und Gerhard Muthenthaler, und ihr Team dank ihrer 15-jährigen Erfahrung die alltäglichen Probleme von Erfindern kennen und wissen wie wichtig es ist sein geistiges Eigentum zu schützen, wurde auch die Internetseite www.world-ip-day.com eingerichtet.

Einerseits um
• das Bewusstsein über die Wichtigkeit von geistigem Eigentum zu steigern
• Interessierte und Erfinder mit Organisationen und anderen kreativen Köpfen zu vernetzen
• hilfreiche Tipps anzubieten
• Informationen über den World IP Tag zu geben
• interessante Interviews mit fachkundigen Personen zu veröffentlichen
• Erfindern zu helfen ihre Ideen umzusetzen und erfolgreich auf dem Markt zu positionieren

und andererseits um allgemeine Informationen über den World IP Tag bereitzustellen.

Über den World IP Tag
Der Aktionstag wurde von der World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ins Leben gerufen um das Bewusstsein über Patente, Schutzrechte, Handelsmarken und Designs zu steigern und um all jenen Personen die mit Kreativität und erfinderischen Tatendrang die Welt prägen und geprägt haben, Rechnung zu tragen. Das diesjährige Motto lautet „Creativity: the next generation“. Sei es mit einem Event oder einer Aktion, jedes Jahr nehmen Organisationen von der ganzen Welt am World IP Tag teil.

Datum: Freitag, dem 26. April 2013
Zeit: 10:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Ort: erfinderladen Salzburg, Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54, A-5020 Salzburg
Anmeldung erbeten: Einfach ein Mail an info@world-ip-day.com und zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr einen Termin ausmachen.

World IP Day events in Austria 2012 review

World IP Day events in Germany

Here you find World IP Day events 2013 in Germany:

In jeden von uns steckt ein Erfinder! Anlässlich des World Intellectual Property Tages 2013 am Freitag, dem 26. April, ermöglicht es die Erfinderhaus Patentvermarktungs GmbH allen kreativen Köpfen in Berliner Büro (Gleimstraße 31, D-10437 Berlin, Deutschland) vorbeizuschauen und mit professionellen Erfinderberatern zu sprechen. Sei es über Erfindungen, Schutzrechte oder Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten, der Tag der offenen Tür kann für alle Anliegen rund ums Thema Erfinden genutzt werden.

 World IP Day 2013

Und so funktioniert´s: Einfach ein Mail an info@world-ip-day.com und zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr einen Termin ausmachen.
Doch damit nicht genug! Nachdem die Gründer der Unternehmensgruppe, Marijan Jordan und Gerhard Muthenthaler, und ihr Team dank ihrer 15-jährigen Erfahrung die alltäglichen Probleme von Erfindern kennen und wissen wie wichtig es ist sein geistiges Eigentum zu schützen, wurde auch die Internetseite www.world-ip-day.com eingerichtet.

Einerseits um
• das Bewusstsein über die Wichtigkeit von geistigem Eigentum zu steigern
• Interessierte und Erfinder mit Organisationen und anderen kreativen Köpfen zu vernetzen
• hilfreiche Tipps anzubieten
• Informationen über den World IP Tag zu geben
• interessante Interviews mit fachkundigen Personen zu veröffentlichen
• Erfindern zu helfen ihre Ideen umzusetzen und erfolgreich auf dem Markt zu positionieren

und andererseits um allgemeine Informationen über den World IP Tag bereitzustellen.

Über den World IP Tag
Der Aktionstag wurde von der World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ins Leben gerufen um das Bewusstsein über Patente, Schutzrechte, Handelsmarken und Designs zu steigern und um all jenen Personen die mit Kreativität und erfinderischen Tatendrang die Welt prägen und geprägt haben, Rechnung zu tragen. Das diesjährige Motto lautet „Visionary Inovators“. Sei es mit einem Event oder einer Aktion, jedes Jahr nehmen Organisationen von der ganzen Welt am World IP Tag teil.

Datum: Freitag, dem 26. April 2012
Zeit: 10:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Erfinderhaus, Gleimstraße 31, D-10437 Berlin, Deutschland
Anmeldung erbeten: Einfach ein Mail an info@world-ip-day.com und zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr einen Termin ausmachen.

World IP Day events in Germany 2012 review

World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2013

The theme of this year’s World IP Day is “Creativity: the next generation”.

What is the shape of things to come?

From the weather to the markets to the next big thing in technology or the arts, we all want to know how the world will look tomorrow.

Predicting the future is an uncertain endeavor at best, but that doesn’t keep us from trying. And with ever greater access to information, instant communication, new forms of collaboration and crowd-sourcing, our predictions are becoming more frequent, more outrageous, and more accurate.

We know, for example, that cars will soon drive themselves. That our sight and speech – eventually our brains – will interact more directly with, and effectively control, our computers. Which will in turn become much smaller and be worn on – or inside – our bodies. This will all have a profound effect on how we live – how we think, how we work, how we learn, heal, enjoy.

What used to be science fiction is now fact. But what’s next? What is the future beyond the future? What disruptive technology is now just an idea bouncing around a young engineer’s mind? Who will create the next online sensation that again changes how we talk to each other? What new music will emerge from a garage somewhere to rock the world’s dance floors or unnerve the academy? Who are tomorrow’s great artists and innovators? How are they working; how do they create? And how will they get their creations to market in a world where the game changes, almost daily?

The future? Ask the next generation.

– Find IP Day imagesfrom around the world and check out activities on the world events map;
– Follow us and join the discussion on the World IP Day Facebook page;

Four Regional U.S. Patent Offices To Speed Up the Patent Process

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced plans to open regional USPTO offices in or around Dallas, Texas, Denver, Colorado, and Silicon Valley, California. These offices are in addition to the already-announced first USPTO satellite office to open on July 13 in Detroit, Michigan. The four offices will function as hubs of innovation and creativity, helping protect and foster American innovation in the global marketplace, helping businesses cut through red tape, and creating new economic opportunities in each of the local communities.

The offices will help the USPTO attract talented IP experts throughout the country who will work closely with entrepreneurs to process patent applications, reduce the backlog of unexamined patents, and speed up the overall process, allowing businesses to move their innovation to market more quickly, and giving them more room to create new jobs.

Selection of the four sites was based upon a comprehensive analysis of criteria including geographical diversity, regional economic impact, ability to recruit and retain employees, and the ability to engage the intellectual property community.

The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011 (AIA), signed into law by President Obama in September, requires the USPTO to establish regional satellite locations as part of a larger effort to modernize the U.S. patent system over the next three years.

Message from WIPO Director General Francis Gurry

Today is World Intellectual Property Day! WIPO Director General Francis Gurry took the opportunity to call on young people to talk about IP. Here is his message:

World Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to celebrate the contribution that intellectual property makes to innovation and cultural creation – and the immense good that these two social phenomena bring to the world.

It is an opportunity to create greater understanding about the role of intellectual property as a balancing mechanism between the competing interests which surround innovation and cultural creation: the interests of the individual creator and those of society; the interests of the producer and those of the consumer; the interest in encouraging innovation and creation, and the interest in sharing the benefits that derive from them.

This year the theme of World IP Day is visionary innovators – people whose innovations transform our lives. Their impact is enormous. They can, at times, change the way society operates.

Take the Chinese innovator, Cai Lun. He laid the foundations for the manufacturing of paper – a technology that transformed everything, because it enabled the recording of knowledge. Then there was the invention of moveable type. This was taken up in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg with his invention of the printing press, which in turn enabled the dissemination and democratization of knowledge. In our own lifetimes we have witnessed the migration of content to digital format, and the great distributional power for creative works that has been brought about by the Internet and the development of the World Wide Web – for whom we have to thank, among others, Tim Berners Lee.

Behind many extraordinary innovations there are extraordinary human stories. At a time when there were few female scientists, Marie Curie Sklodowska had to struggle to establish herself as a scientist in her own right as opposed to the wife of a scientist. She also struggled as an immigrant working in another community. Her desire to understand led to the fundamental discoveries for which she was awarded two Nobel prizes in two separate disciplines – in physics and in chemistry – the only person ever to have achieved this.

In the arts, innovation revolves around new ways of seeing things. A visionary artist or a composer or a writer is able to show us a different way, a new way of looking at the world. Bob Dylan, for example: he captured what was in the air and transformed several genres of music, essentially bending the genres of folk and rock music. Or consider architects – like Zaha Hadid or Norman Foster – who are transforming urban landscapes, and beautifying our existence in new ways, while at the same time taking into account the need to preserve the environment.

We are dependent upon innovation to move forward. Without innovation we would remain in the same condition as a human species that we are in now. Yet inventions or innovations – in the health field for example – are of relatively little value to society unless they can be used and shared. This is the great policy dilemma. On the one hand, the cost of innovation in modern medicine is enormous. On the other hand, the need for compassion, and the need for sharing useful innovations, is also enormous.

I believe we should look upon intellectual property as an empowering mechanism to address these challenges.

But we have to get the balances right, and that is why it is so important to talk about intellectual property. On this World Intellectual Property Day I would encourage young people in particular to join in the discussion, because intellectual property is, by definition, about change, about the new. It is about achieving the transformations that we want to achieve in society.

If you want to whatch his video message please click here.

Geistiges Eigentum muss weiterhin hohen Schutz genießen

Anlässlich des heutigen Welttags des Geistigen Eigentums betont der Erste Vorsitzende des Deutschen Instituts für Erfindungswesen (DIE), Dr. Heiner Pollert, die hohe Bedeutung des Geistigen Eigentums für den Wirtschaftsstandort. „Deutschland ist nach wie vor das Land der Ideen und der Erfinder. Ihre kreative Leistung müssen wir nicht nur weiterhin fördern, sondern auch konsequent schützen“, so Pollert.

Die bestehenden Urheberrechtsgesetze bieten nach Ansicht des DIE-Vorsitzenden eine ausreichende Absicherung vor Nachahmung und Diebstahl. Es komme jedoch insbesondere in der gegenwärtigen Parteienlandschaft darauf an, dieses hohe Kulturgut, das seinen Ursprung im 18. Jahrhundert hat und immer weiter verbessert wurde, nicht auszuhöhlen. „Wir können es uns schlichtweg nicht leisten, unsere Innovationen, die oft genug im Rahmen von aufwändigen und kostenintensiven Forschungsprojekten entstehen, einfach zu verschenken.“
Das Deutsche Institut für Erfindungswesen (DIE) verleiht seit 1952 die Dieselmedaille – den ältesten und bedeutendsten Innovationspreis. Die Dieselmedaillen 2012 werden am 30. November in München verliehen.

Über die Dieselmedaille:
Die Dieselmedaille wurde 1952 ins Leben gerufen. Seitdem gilt sie als höchste Auszeichnung für Erfinder, die mit ihrem Erfolg zum Wohle unserer Gesellschaft beigetragen haben. Die lange Liste prominenter Medaillenträger unterstreicht die hohe Bedeutung der geistigen Schöpfung und des unternehmerischen Er-folgs für unsere Wirtschaft. Berühmte Preisträger sind unter anderem Wernher von Braun, Gottlob Bau-knecht, Hans Vissmann, Arthur Fischer, Anton Kathrein, Sybill Storz, Walter Sennheiser, die Nobelpreis-träger Herrmann Staudinger, Jan Enders, Ernst Ruska und Manfred Eigen, sowie die SAP-Gründer Dietmar Hopp, Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner und Dr. h.c. Klaus E. Tschira.

Vorbeikommen lohnt sich!

Seit 2001 gibt es den Welttag des geistigen Eigentums. In diesem Jahr unterstützt die Erfinderhaus Patentvermarktungs GmbH mit Ihren Standorten in Berlin und Salzburg den World IP Tag, der morgen gefeiert wird, mit einem Tag der offenen Tür!

Kommt doch einfach morgen von 10 bis 17 Uhr im Erfinderladen in der Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54 in Salzburg oder im Erfinderhaus in der Gleimstraße 31 in Berlin vorbei und redet mit einem unserer Erfinderberater über Schutzrechte, Marketingmöglichkeiten und andere interessante Themen rund ums Erfinden!

Mit einer Email an info@world-ip-day.com könnt ihr euch im Vorfeld einen Termin sichern! Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch!

Celebrating World IP Day 2012

Since 15 years Marijan Jordan and Gerhard Muthenthaler, the founders of inpama.com and InventorHaus, Inc., deal with problems that inventors face in marketing their inventions. Throughout their long careers as invention advisers and marketers, they have noticed that “for protection there are always places to go for help and consultation, but there are no inexpensive ways for market commercialization.”

To solve this problem they created a site that is available for inventors and combines helpful tools to promote inventions: inpama.com! How producers, license holders and distributors can be reached and how inventors can bring their idea successfully to market has been answered in a step-by-step guide.
As Jordan, Muthenthaler and their team know about the problems inventors face and how important it is to protect intellectual property, they decided to support the World IP Day 2012 to:
• raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property
• connect you with other organizations and people in the invention field
• provide useful tips
• give you information about the World IP Day
• publish interesting interviews with people who deal with inventions every day
• help inventors to bring their ideas and IP successfully to market

World IP Day will also be celebrated with an open house day at the company´s inventor stores Erfinderhaus in Berlin, Germany (Gleimstraße 31) and erfinderladen in Salzburg, Austria (Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 54) on Thursday April 26th from 10 am to 5 pm.

If you are interested just email to info@world-ip-day.com and schedule an appointment with one of the company´s professional invention consultants. You can talk about property rights, marketing tools or any other invention issues.

For further information please also visit the website www.world-ip-day.com

About the world IP Day
The event was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to “raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trademarks and designs impact on daily life” and “to celebrate creativity, and the contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of societies across the globe”. This year´s motto is “Visionary Innovators”. Either with an event or an activity, organizations from all over the world will participate.

World IP Day events in Switzerland

On 26 April each year World Intellectual Property Day celebrates innovation and creativity. The theme this year is visionary innovators who have left their mark on history by contributing to a positive change in the world.

World Intellectual Property Day has been celebrated since 2001 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and its member countries. Through a variety of activities, events and campaigns, the initiative aims to increase public understanding of just how important intellectual property rights are in terms of the impact they have on people’s everyday lives.

Anyone fortunate enough to be in Geneva, Switzerland, is welcome to visit the WIPO headquarters to see the exhibition The Patents and Trademarks of Steve Jobs, which forms part of the worldwide celebrations and features more than 300 patents that bear Steve Jobs’ name.